Static Plunge

There is something magical about doing a flip into a pool. It is that moment of excitement before, during, and after the action. For a moment, everything is suspended in air. Maybe the water tenses up to break the fall, dissipating the energy in a big splash and a cascade of water and angry air bubbles. The water scolds the jumper for disrupting its tranquil slumber but quickly resorts to an embrace that hugs your entire body.

  • 1080 x 1650

  • Adobe Photoshop 2024, Digital Animation

  • iPhone 13 XS Max

I remember working up the courage to do my first backflip into a pool. I wanted to impress my friends at school during our summer pool parties. I was doing men’s gymnastics at a nearby academy and I was really wanting to push my routine further than just doing it on the mat. Doing it into the pool seemed like a great idea because if I messed up, I would just land in the water at an awkward angle. Looking back, I am glad I wasn’t hurt worse


Mercedes Coupé

