Volvo in a Storm

The wind bellows and the rain whips viciously around the dark gray shape of an SUV sitting in the gravel driveway of a lakeside home. The headlights peer through the gloom like shimmering pearls glinting in the depths of the ocean. The wipers beat frivolously, rhythmically, swatting at the hundreds of tiny drops pattering with an unrelenting urgency on the glass. How much longer until the guests emerge from the home? There is no escaping the rain, better make a quick dash to the car.

  • 1920 x 1080px

  • Adobe Photoshop 2024, Digital Animation

  • iPhone 13 XS Max

This project was an entirely new venture for me, helping me delve into motion media in a very different way. I’ve been making movies all my life, but I have never combined photography with an animation aspect that can transcend the traditional boundaries of a still photograph. Using a few layers in Adobe Photoshop, I overlayed a video of the wiper blades on this Volvo combating the rain. It was the perfect setting to try my first cinemagraph. I brought up the saturation in the photo as well to play with some of the contrast. While the vehicle is dark and blends a bit with the gravel driveway and the gloom, the movement of the wiper blades adds a playful, familiar, and eye-catching element to the otherwise stagnant composition that is synonymous with chaotic streaks of water and whirling winds. Ideally, I want the composition to be even sharper. I had to limit the file size to upload to my website.


Art Through Models


BMW 325i Touring