The Huntress Photoshoot

I had the pleasure of doing a photoshoot for my friend Mekenna Booze who wanted to showcase a costume she had made for her Costume Production classes at SCAD. She hand-made this entire costume, from the dress and fabrics, the custom animal mask and antlers, the spooky lamp, and the purple anatomical chest piece. She selected Bonaventure Cemetery because of its spooky appeal that would pair well with the costume, and also because of the faux-Spanish moss—a huge staple of Savannah—that was incorporated into the costume as well. These photos also served as imagery for her portfolio piece, her own website, and for her social media platforms

  • Mekenna Booze from Starwolf Studios

  • Bonaventure Cemetery; Savannah, GA

  • Nikon D5500


Everyday Ennui

